CryptoLeaders - Social Toplist of Crypto & Bitcoin Influencers
What is #CryptoLeaders?
CryptoLeaders is a weekly ranking of Crypto & Bitcoin Influencers based on their social media activity.
How is #CryptoLeaders score calculated?
The score is calculated by taking into consideration a number of important social media factors, initially only from Twitter. We use many signals to update CryptoLeaders every week, based on your last week social media activity.
The majority of the signals used to calculate the CryptoLeaders are derived from combinations of attributes, such as the ratio of reactions you generate compared to the amount of content you share.
Some other important measuring factors include: number and quality of tweets, engagement driven from others, number of followers, your authority, etc.
How to view my #CryptoLeaders score?
Currently only #CryptoLeaders Ranking is public, but we will soon give you access to your exact score and provide advise on where can you achieve a better score.
Where is #CryptoLeaders leaderboard?
The first leaderboard was released to the public in 22 June 2020. We are currently measuring and calculating the public activity of 108 Crypto & Bitcoin Influencers and we will soon launch more country and industry specific leaderboards as well.
Join #CryptoLeaders for free!
You are a crypto enthusiast, bitcoin or blockchain believer and want to be included in #CryptoLeaders? Want to see how you rank on our leaderboard? Simply follow @VisitoryGlobal and retweet the below tweet to your followers (make sure you do not remove the #CryptoLeaders and #Join hashtags + mention @VisitoryGlobal) and you will be included for free. Once included, we will start measuring your social media engagement and include you in our next weekly calculations!
"#CryptoLeaders is a ranking of Crypto & Bitcoin Influencers based on their social activity. #Join! @VisitoryGlobal"
Tweet this Text for Your inclusion to #CryptoLeaders!
Additionally you can also follow @VisitoryGlobal and tweet anything with hashtags #CryptoLeaders and #Join + mention @VisitoryGlobal on the tweet (or retweet anything with hashtags #CryptoLeaders and #Join + mentioning us) and you will be included for free.
Please note that this list is for you only if You are a crypto enthusiast, bitcoin or blockchain believer, we will not include any other account to #CryptoLeaders.
I joined, but I am not on the Toplist
If you joined recently, please check back on next Monday, we are always releasing new toplists every Monday, based on your social activity from last week. If you joined more than a week ago, you are very active on Twitter and still do not see yourself in the Toplist, it looks like you did not manage to arrive into our Top 100. Please do not lose your heart, continue the job you are doing, and we are sure the results will come!